New Discovery...
So... I've discovered a lil something called Face Book. Much easier to use, although a little addictive. Come find me there. :)
So... I've discovered a lil something called Face Book. Much easier to use, although a little addictive. Come find me there. :)
Our trip to the motherland at the end of January.
I'm backtracking a bit... But, we've finished our 1st year!! WOOHOO! So, now it's time to post all those things i've been meaning to.
I know that was slow... my apologies... i was actually trying to do some schoolwork (imagine that...) But there's more to come...really...
This is our clinical hospital Westmead.....It's the largest hospital in the southern hemisphere. (We've quickly learned that everything is the largest "fill in the blank" of the Southern Hemisphere in Australia. Sounds impressive, but not much competition)
Oh ya, & I realize that Westmead looks pretty darn ugly in that 1st picture. Which is true.. it's an ugly ugly hospital. But.. in it's defense, it is undergoing major construction which just aggravates it. And, Rob & i realized on the 1st night, that the construction storage room is directly on the other side of our room. (the window in the room actually faces another room, the storage room, & not outiside) Which meant we got woken up at around 630am by the loudest voiced construction workers on the planet, various steel objects (very large ones) being thrown around, & ladders being dragged in & out constantly. So much for our brilliant plan of getting more sleep by moving out there....alas...
Now we are home.
It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood....won't you be mine...won't you be mine... won't you be my neighbour.
The blue mountains has become 1 of my favorite places. It's only a 2 hr train ride from Sydney & it's got the most amazing trails & views. The landscape always changes so quickly here, it blows my mind. Most of these pictures were from a weekend exploring last month.