
Saturday, April 14, 2007


Our trip to the motherland at the end of January.
Things I didn't realize about Taiwan: HUGE mountains everywhere, more food/sidestands of food than one can imagine, gorgeous national parks, stray dogs are everywhere (esp beside the foodstands), most user friendly metro ever exists in Taipei.

Taiwan High Speed Rail which had just opened for a couple of weeks. SO fast (300km/hr?) and smooth as...

Digging for golden clams. Then we ate em.

mmmm sugar cane.

mmmm snake blood, meat, & gall

random sign

SCOOTERS!! there are millions of em all over the road, weaving between cars, through oncoming traffic...never saw a single accident the entire time although there was lots of screaming from us at near misses.

Rob Vs. Turtle: Rob trying to catch the turtle for a long long time (here they're having a staredown).... turtle wins

mmm pig brain

lotsa night markets...good deals...good times

You can't really tell but there is fire coming out of the water here. There's apparently some natural gas bubbling out of this little water hole thing and it's been on fire for hundreds of years.

A lot of my family on my Dad's side.

Crowded bus. I was pinned against the front door. Me, Rob, my uncle & cousin and a couple of others were squished into the front steps.

Always lots of people. This was a trendy shopping area where the young folk chill.

Eating a cookie that translates as "cow tongue".

Check out his hat!


Blogger Rob Taylor said...

coooooool...i'd wait 3 months for pictures that good any day!

2:22 AM  
Blogger Marta said...

beautiful photos - its great to see you guys, even if only on photos ;) you and rob are just too cute, its great :D

4:15 PM  
Blogger The Sushi Family said...

Glad you were able to bring your hubby back to your mother land. Fun pictures! Food in Taiwan is the best! Keep enjoying married life!

3:05 PM  
Blogger hamper said...

that looks like fun chrissy!!


4:03 AM  
Blogger Agnes said...

Miss you guys. Too bad that you look like you're having too much fun to miss us :)

4:20 PM  

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