Final Highlights

Here we are with Jay & Cor. The lovely people we spent 24/7 with. They were also brave & kind enough to sit in the back of the camper where there are no seatbelts while Rob & I learned to drive stick on the left side of the road.
2 of our favorite campsites:

1. Gorgeous sunset with Kangaroos jumping out behind us. Went into the little town at night to watch an outdoor movie in lawn chairs.

2. Real outback camping. Parked on the side of the highway out in the bushes. No one around for 100km, pitch dark, campfire, chili, red dirt...perfection.

Whitehaven Beach. The swirlies are caused by silica sand coming out of underwater holes. Or something like that. The sand feels so weird.
Alright, back to studying for my exam on Friday. Now I understand why everyone blogs, it's a procrastinator's dream.
oh yes, & by request, although i'm ashamed of ourselves....

That old man is a perverted, rude, obnoxious guy that hosts the toad race. The 1st toad to touch the wall wins. The numbers are painted on their backs. People put a bet on the toad they want to win. Sounds like it'd be kinda fun, but it really was super disturbing & I'm still upset when I think of it now.